Flexibility the key to workforce stability and productivity
Posted by Georgie Betts on 29/11/2018
Flexibility the key to workforce stability and productivity
RUSSELL Taylor Group, one of the country’s biggest technical recruitment operations, is leading the way for its own workforce to enjoy what’s become a major priority for the business’ job hunters – flexible working.
Recent surveys have revealed that people put flexibility at the top of their “want list” when choosing a new job. Reasons, they said, were to gain an improved work-life balance and to get greater job satisfaction.
Rob Kurton, managing director at Bromborough-headquartered Russell Taylor Group, said: “A flexible working environment has now been proven to have massive benefits for both employer and employee, with the days of traditional nine-to-five working diminishing.
“When filling vacancies for our clients, job matching among those seeking work finds us with an increasing number of people looking for jobs with flexible working patterns.
“The trend also applies today to those working for Russell Taylor Group, for the men just as much as our female employees.
“For instance, we offer an early start for members of staff who need to finish work earlier in the day. This is a tremendous bonus for those with family commitments as they can avoid traffic on the way home and cut down on childcare costs.
“Working in any highly pressured environment - and the recruitment industry is a typical example - can sometimes put a strain on employees’ personal lives. The result can often be tiredness, loss of focus on the job and under-performance.
“Our flexibility means our staff can have greater control over their working day, are happy, more fulfilled and, as a result, become loyal to the business and want to stay with us. Putting time and effort into making flexible working a reality can ultimately give a huge boost to productivity with people feeling more motivated.”
Rob added: “Empathy with our candidates looking for jobs with flexible hours also gives us greater understanding not only of what works for them when looking for new employment but also helps to provide our clients with employees whose skills are not necessarily confined to nine-to-five working.”
A survey by Investors in People - Russell Taylor Group holds their silver standard - showed that more than a third of employees polled put flexible working arrangements, such as working from home, above financial reward.
Another survey carried out by market researcher YouGov found that almost three-quarters of 4,000 adults questioned wanted more flexible working in the future as it would improve their job satisfaction and general wellbeing.
Lisa Carew, head of operations at NMS Recruit, part of Russell Taylor Group, also sees major benefits from flexible working for her clients and candidates and for her own workforce and the business that operates mainly in the commercial recruitment sector.
She said: “Flexible working is becoming a vital part of a culture that allows women in particular to continue on a career path and balance family life at the same time. It’s a growing culture that can help to make sure no one in the workplace is seen to be getting ‘special treatment’ and that the job gets done irrespective of the time it’s done.
“Most people, men and women alike, will probably need flexible working at some time in their lives so it makes good business sense to put it into practice.”